Characters: an unnamed girl (the narrator), and zombies

Connection/Disconnection with place: She has a physical connection with her new home in the woods, she has a mental disconnection with society and other people

When: This is a post-apocalyptic story, so it's set sometime in the (near?) future, but the narrator also flashes back to before the Incident

Where: the narrator lives in a tree in the woods

Why: The Twitterive is based off of my found poem, which is based off of 10 tweets about winter weather, I included the apocalypse element because of a line in the poem that goes "Something is really off." I immediately thought of 28 Days Later

How: It's going to be a narrative, but it will be split into sections, each section is headed with a line from the found poem

Direction of piece: I'm going to continue on with what I was doing before this interview, except I still need to figure out the logistics of the zombies (how fast they move, if they can climb, their mental prowess), and exactly why my character is an outcast, what makes her prefer the post-apocalyptic world full of living dead people that like to eat flesh over her old life

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